Meeting Program
This is EABA election day. Ballots will be given to paid Members to cast their vote for the 2018-2019 Board Members. All Board positions are open. Dan Yadesky has taken names of Members who are interested in Becoming a member of the Board. Those names have been included on the ballot.
The June meeting will be an open Forum. Time for members to “TOOT YOUR OWN HORN!'”
September 5, 2018 Speaker
Mr. Sal Aloe, Executive Director
Westinghouse Arts Academy Charter School in Wilmerding
Student of the Month Info
The program will resume in October 2018. Any EABA Member who would like to be a luncheon sponsor should call Andrea @ 412-956-2826.
Scholarship Donations
Over the years, The East Allegheny Business Association has depended on the members generosity and support of the Autumn Auction to fund the Annual Scholarship Awards.
Member Dues 2018-2019
Our new cycle starts July 1, 2018. The updated membership form is on
the back of the newsletter.
EABA 2017 – 2018 OFFICERS
President • Roxanne Sakoian Eichler
Vice President • Dan Yadesky
Secretary •Morgan McCallistef
Treasurer • Andrea M. Graziano
Richard Catalano
Carl Krzywiec
Ron Virtes
Donna Padezan
Candy Whitney
[ All members are up for election on June 6, 2018. ]