Member Spotlight November 2012

907 Florence Avenue
East McKeesport, Pa. 15035

EABA Member Name: The Borough of East McKeesport

East McKeesport was incorporated as a Borough in 1895. Bounded on three sides by North Versailles Township and on the north by Wilmerding Borough, East McKeesport is 0.42 square miles and has a population of 2,126. The Police Department consists of 3 full-time officers and 7 part-time officers, who also provide coverage to Wall Borough. United Volunteer Fire and Rescue is a consolidation of East McKeesport Fire Co.# 2 and Wall Volunteer Fire Department. Eastern Area Prehospital Services provides ambulance service to Borough residents. The Borough is part of the East Allegheny School District together with North Versailles, Wall and Wilmerding. Recently, the East Allegheny School District gave East Field to the Borough. Connie Rosenbayger, Borough Administrator, applied for and received a CITF grant in the amount of $100,000.00 for the following improvements: new fencing around the entire field , enlarging the access gate to accommodate emergency vehicles in the event an airlift is needed and a handicapped accessible restroom. Additional work includes a new backstop, team benches, retaining wall repairs and improved drainage at the entrance.The Mayor and Borough Council are pleased to make these improvements to East Field ,not only for the residents of East McKeesport, but for all the children of the neighboring communities who use East Field as part of the East Allegheny Athletic Association.